Victor Fota – Vernisaj: DOUĂ PLANURIIMBOLD, GALERIAFURNITUBES: Tubeficient. Tubecologic – vernisajIMBOLD, GALERIAJazz de Mansarde 2: Earth, Wind and DrumsJAZZ DE MANSARDEAtmosfera APROAPE CA LA PARIS la AcuarelaTEATRUMucenici Jazzy la AcuarelaJAZZ DE MANSARDE - JAZZ DU JARDINJazz de Mansarde: Sergiu Teslaru si Michael AckerIMBOLD, GALERIAMisha Diaconu – Vernisaj: Materie si spiritIMBOLD, GALERIALansare Imbold, Galeria – The GatheringIMBOLD, GALERIAPrev1...141516